Crazy Lace Agate Rings 101: Understanding the Healing Benefits and Ways to Cleanse & Charge the Ring

Crazy Lace Agate Rings 101: Understanding the Healing Benefits and Ways to Cleanse & Charge the Ring

Have you heard about the Mexican agate? Well, it is another name for crazy lace agate, which is an agate variety highly famed for its orbicular patterns with large swirls, banding, and complex tangled laces. This stone is famous in the spiritual community as the stone of transformation and chakra realignment, and crystal healers claim that this stone works on all seven chakras, unblocking them and restoring the natural flow of chi energies within these chakras. In this blog, we are going to talk about crazy lace agate rings, where we will specifically touch on the healing benefits of these rings along with simple guidelines to charge and cleanse your ring. So, let us begin by first reading the specifics of crazy lace agate.